PR Web Release and 2017 Update

Hi to the few readers I do have on here.


2017 has been very busy already, and I plan to journal, pray, and work hard throughout the year because I really want 2017 to be my Breakout year.


The book is complete and currently undergoing the last editorial treatment. At about 450 pages, it promises to be a thorough affair in all things Restaurant marketing and Management.

For this year, I have a detailed editorial schedule. I plan to market my course every Monday morning. EVERY Monday morning. This has forced me to learn new ways to market my course, stretch my dollars to work for me, and also broaden the horizons about what possible ways there are to market yourself in person and online.


Since the book has gone through so many revisions, I have actually added to the many methods and ways I teach things in the book. For example, originally one of my chapters was 30 ways to increase restaurant sales. After much research, it grew to 52 ways. I have to now check and re-write many of my own marketing material to better describe the book and future seminar. So this list below is a work in progress. I will add to it because this was based on my lecture videos, which were completed before my book was completed.

Somehow, eventually, all of this should match perfectly.


Thanks for reading and God bless. For now, here is my recent PR Web release.


Mr. Dikran Iskenderian has a Bachelor of Science degree and an honorary Master of Arts in Leadership from Burbank’s Woodbury University. He is the author of 2 books: Restaurant Marketing: The Secret is in the Sauce™ which is coming out this Christmas, and also Success Today, which he co-authored with bestselling author Brian Tracy.

He co-owns Zankou Chicken with his family in Los Angeles, CA. They have 8 locations and continue to grow. Mr. Iskenderian has now made available, for the first time, an online education program that encompasses everything he has learned from practicing marketing and management mastery on the executive restaurant level for over 25 years.

The link to his Udemy course is here

Topics include How to Learn 12 ways to INCREASE Customer Satisfaction!

How to Determine your price strategy!

Know the 12 Characteristics of GREAT Managers so you will know who to hire.

Learn about the 12 Styles of Leadership that will serve you both inside and outside the industry.

The #1 Secret to Exponential Growth (it’s not what you think)

Learn all about the Power of Reciprocity and how to use it daily in order to have a more positive outlook on life, better results, and make more (and better) friends.

Should you franchise or not?

Learn about the 21 Pillars of Negotiation. These will serve you in almost every transaction in life: from negotiating your pay in the restaurant industry, to when you’re checking out of a hotel, to making deals with family members.

Learn how to use effective Strategic Marketing analysis for your restaurant.

Should you offer delivery? This is not without its pitfalls. We discuss that topic here.

Learn how to use effective Customer Relationship Marketing

Learn how to INCREASE your RATINGS on Yelp. There are many things you can do WITHOUT violating Yelp’s guidelines. Yelp does not teach you these things because it wants restaurants to just advertise with them. What most people don’t realize is they can use YELP effectively for free.

How to advertise EFFECTIVELY on yelp without spending tons of money.

Make more money if you are an existing restaurant by using these 52 Sales Strategies

Know the difference between starting a restaurant solely for profit (sure to fail) and starting a restaurant to serve a greater purpose.

To quote Mr Iskenderian, “I try to provide my students with the very best atmosphere that encourages ‘Inspired Learning Through Cohesive Education'”

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